Will Reading Proverbs Motivate Us?

Will Reading Proverbs Motivate Us?

Proverbs are nothing but a list of sentences that are formed to bring motivation either in children or adults despite from disappointment they are feeling. These are generally sentenced by taking some of the real situations that people come across in day to day life. But these proverbs are framed by the poets so that they will sink deeply to the readers or the listeners. Here are a list of examples and proverbs that are generally formed due to some silly mistakes that were done by people. We usually say to people who failed in a competition or in any other aspect that “common brother! Cheer up! Better luck next time.” But there is another quote that will sink deeply rather than above quote. “Try and Try until you reach your goal”. This sinks a lot when compared to the earlier quotation. Hence it all depends upon the situation and timing. If someone uses some other quote for an unrelated situation, then people will look at him or her as if they look like a fool for them. Never change your attitude for others because there is no one in this world who can perform your role far better than you.

Here are a list of proverbs which will motivate you for sure.

If you lose something nothing is lost. If you lose money something is lost but if you lose your character, then everything is lost.

Because character is more important than anything in this world. If you do good to others than you will have better remarks and if you do at least a single mischievous thing, then everyone’s finger points at you.

“Where there is a Will there is a Way”

If you strive hard for something then there will be a way at some point to let you out for a better world. Even though all the doors are closed around you and if you have the desire to come out of the locked room, surely you will find a way to come out.

Will Reading Proverbs Motivate Us?

“A Friend in need is a Friend Indeed”

This is one of my favorite quote because I used to help a lot of my friends who are in need. I used to write notes for my friend before teacher used to ask for correction. In the same way he used to help me in doing Maths because I am poor at Maths. But, I was proved later that even I can achieve cent percent in a Maths test.

“Empty Vessels makes lot of Noise”

People who know little talks more and whereas people who know more talks little because they wait for a better chance to prove their talent. This is a true fact. You just try it and you can feel it. Sit in an empty drum and close the open end. You will surely feel like your ear drums are going to explode.

Will Reading Proverbs Motivate Us?

“If you Spend Money in Different Ways, then you can Earn in Different Ways”

People usually spend their money on different things such as for daily needs. If you have the ability to spend your money different ways then for sure you have the ability to earn it in many ways.

“Work Hard to fulfill your Dream or else Someday, Someone will put you into Work to Achieve their Dream”

This is a true fact because if you work hard right from the beginning you will achieve your goal or else if you do not work in the beginning someone will put you into work in the middle till the end to achieve their goals.

I thinks these will motivate you because, these proverbs are also heard by me from my brother and friends and which motivated me a lot. But, think positively if someone acts at you. They act at you because they are caring for you. If someone does not act at you then surely you are not taken care by none.