Education Blog by ECA

What Does Science Experiments And A Kids Science Franchise Have In Common?

Science was there from ancient ages onwards to apply its forces on everything around human beings. But it took long for the mankind to understand the concepts of science and to manipulate them to make our lives easier. We made a huge revolution by applying science to living and now whatever we take as home appliances to vehicles, science is there in action everywhere around us.

Try to ask the pre-primary and primary students of your place about what science is. You may find most of them identify science as a monster to test them in their academics with a lot of indigestible theories and principles. It is another troublesome fact that many of the secondary school students are never interested to take up science subjects for their graduation.

One who understands science will always say science is the most interesting subject, which can bring in a lot of fun and excitement to a learner. So, the problem is not the nature of science, but how it is being delivered to the kids at an early age.

Learning Science

We always need to look at science from its application point for view. To understand any theory, principle, or equation in science, we can have hundreds of live examples around us. Anything in science can also be explained with the help of simple experiments or working models.

However, most of our academic curriculums focus more on theoretical and classroom training, which limits practical exposure to a minimum. So, without conceptual understanding of practical science, children get confused with the subject and ultimately develop a fear towards it.

Science Experiments

From what we discussed above, one can infer that science is all about practical understanding of its applications at various settings. Human body itself is a big science laboratory as a lot of physical, chemical, physiological processes take place there every second. In most of the pre-primary, primary schools, there are no specialized teachers to handle science, but they handle it as yet another subject among everything they teach their own.

In fact, science needs to be delivered separately to kids from an early age itself. Kids need to be exposed to an environment, which provides them the opportunity to engage in simply science experiments. Out of schools, parents can also do basic research on internet to find science activities to ignite the curiosity of kids to question and learn things. There are many after-school programs now to take this initiative and offer project-oriented science and math learning to kids.

Kids Science Franchise

Kid’s science franchise is the right place where kids can get an experimental environment to learn the concepts of science. Starting from biology, physiology, chemistry, and physics, to vehicles, electricity, machines, earth and planets, these facilities unveil the science behind everything we see with the help of well-researched simple projects for the kids.

Simply by playing with harmless items, they learn the complicated science facts by doing it on their own. There are such programs available for kids starting from 6 months to 15 years, which can surely give them an edge in learning practical science in a much enjoyable way.