The fact is that just for graduating with a degree in many fields, there is no guarantee that you will receive a job in that field or even related to that field. There are plenty of things to learn in college that go beyond the books. The life experiences that are a part of college can actually benefit you long term. The following are some things you can learn how to do that will help you get a job.
Managing details that you can control in your career search is important. For example, dressing appropriately to an interview already gives you a leg up on someone who possibly has more experience just for your attire. If all you have are sweatpants you should do some shopping. Sears has coupons on Groupon if you hate shopping or don’t want to be seen in public in your current attire. Other things that are personally manageable is following up after an interview regardless of how you thought it went. This shows persistence that many people find desirable in business.
Learning how to sell is something that you can work on during your college years. Whether you are trying to sell someone on doing something or to join a certain club selling skills are invaluable. The commission that many great salespeople make is incredible and can be translated into nearly any industry. Selling can also help in interviews as a person is essentially trying to sell the interviewer on them as a potential employee. This is why you should try to get the most out of positions you might have in college whether you are a sales associate at a retail store or work in the student stores.
Being able to be a decent writer is something that can employ you immediately during and after college. There is a huge need for freelance writers for various writing assignments. Web design skills can also lead to a freelance gig that can be part-time or make enough to even be a full-time job.
As you can see there are plenty of things you can learn in college that will help you get a job. Maybe that sociology class you took didn’t teach you much but the website you built during it might have.