Education Blog by ECA

How Smartphones Have Become The New Supercomputers

Smartphones seem so commonplace today that it’s hard to remember what life was like before their arrival. They’ve grown so popular that they’re replacing the functions of some traditional tech and even being used as educational tools in some classrooms. Here are four ways smartphones have become the new supercomputers:


If you ask most people how a smartphone works, they’ll probably mention something about an internet connection and a touchscreen display. However, that doesn’t come close to describing all of a phone’s functions. Today’s smartphones contain advanced circuits that rival many supercomputers. With the ability to sync information, a QWERTY keyboard, GPS, support for applications, and more, a smartphone’s capabilities are quite impressive when compared to that of past cell phone models.


Modern smartphones are more powerful than many of today’s supercomputers. For example, your smartphone can crunch numbers faster than ever, making your little pocket computer an advanced computer. Ultimately, you don’t need to buy a $10,000 computer with specialized software when all you want to do is run a few spreadsheets or calculate some finances—you can use your phone instead.


As smartphones are equipped with Bluetooth, they make it easier than ever to seamlessly connect with other devices and the Internet. Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows devices to exchange data over short distances. Many smartphones now have Bluetooth capability, but they’re not just useful for connecting with other devices wirelessly.

Smartphones can execute complex tasks much faster than your average PC. That’s because modern smartphones have processors that are very similar to those found in high-end PCs and Macs. For example, Apple uses an iPhone processor in its Macbook laptops.


In days gone by, most people turned to their computers to access the internet. While phones have long since been able to take us to our favorite websites, today’s smartphones offer us the power of a mobile internet connection via hotspots. With a hotspot, you have the power to work from anywhere in the world, whether there is Wi-fi or not. This capability is especially helpful when using a tablet or laptop that doesn’t have an internet connection of its own.

Twenty years ago, you couldn’t have imagined the capabilities of today’s technology. Next time you’re considering using your laptop instead of your smartphone, you may think twice. Keep this information in mind as you unlock all of your smartphone’s features.