Every child approaches education in a different way. Forcing your little one to study won’t be of a huge help! Rather, you should focus on motivating it and developing an interest. Planning for study time, creating a schedule, identifying weaker and stronger areas, memorizing techniques, allocation of study time for various subjects, are some of the things you should consider.
Besides, your role as a parent is of a great importance in children’s education. For instance, poor performance in non-academics and bullying in school can demotivate your child. These tips are easily applicable and quite handy. So, let’s check them out!
Create A Space
It is important for your kid to have a clean and well organized space to work. This space may be in a bedroom, dining room or office. If it is in a central place, make sure they have easy access to materials they might need. Turn off the TV to eliminate distraction.
Goal Setting
Talk with your child about what he or she would like to achieve in a certain subject. By setting goals and creating a pathway to obtain those goals, your little one will far more likely to perform well and give positive outcomes.
Group Work
Encourage your child to study in small groups. They will have more fun while focusing on the subject of interest. Encourage it to attend the group with questions and answers already prepared, so they can quiz one another and cover the content in depth.
Redefine Success
When studying with your little girl or boy, talk about making success about effort not about results. They are more likely to feel successful if their time is used productively in study. Emphasizing results can increase pressure and can lead to poor outcomes. To reduce the pressure, emphasize the effort.
Organize Study And Homework Projects
Get a larger calendar and pens in different colors, so your child can mark exam dates, projects and reports that are coming due. The calendar will serve as a reminder so that the homework and preparations for the upcoming exams are not set aside until the last moment.
Studying Is More Than Just Doing Homework Assignments
Teach your child that there is a difference between doing homework and studying. Encourage your child to do things like: taking notes as he’s reading a chapter, studying charts and tables, learning to skim material, learning to make his own flashcards for quick review of dates, spelling words, formulas and, learning to summarize what he was read in his own words.
Removing Distractions
Television, games, phones, Internet and any other distraction can be harmful to study. Get them away from your children until the study is over.
Help Your Child To Feel Confident For Upcoming Tests
Tests can be a traumatic experience for little kids. Explain them that studying the night before is not productive. Better to get a good night’s sleep. Don’t forget to remind your child to take a deep breath, relax and carefully read the directions before they start to mark their test papers.
Consider Your Kid’s Developmental Level When Setting The Amount Of Time For Homework
It is well known that first-graders are unlike to last more than 15 minutes on a task. Once the task is done, reward your child with a short break.
A Home Dictionary Is Essential
Instead of keeping the dictionary on the shelf, let your child use it. Good encyclopedia, dictionary and organizational skills depend on the ability to alphabetize. Try alphabetizing spelling words, favorite toys, family members’ names, etc. as a way of practicing.
Just Do It
Ultimately, there will be good results only if your child will sit down, put in the time that is required to learn the subjects and be dedicated.