How We Can Support Our Military Spouse’s Continued Education After Service

How We Can Support Our Military Spouse’s Continued Education After Service

Transitioning out of military service isn’t easy, but millions of people do so every day. Many decide to continue their education once they get out, but doing so does have an impact on their families. If you want your military spouse to succeed in school, you should follow the tips below.

Be Aware of Scholarship Opportunities

One great place to start is to try to take some of the financial burdens off of your spouse. While the GI Bill can cover most of the costs of college, that doesn’t mean that every cost is going to be covered. If you want to help, make sure that you research scholarships that help out veterans. This can help to cover the cost of everything from books to student fees, making your spouse’s choice to go back to school a little easier.

Prioritize Their Study Time

Once your spouse is in school, make sure that he or she has time to study. This might mean making sure that you give him or her an optimal space to get work done or that you support your spouse in going to the library to get some peace and quiet. Whatever you do, make sure that you are working together with him or her to encourage your spouse to study more and do great in school.

Assist in Researching Optimal Programs

You may also want to assist your spouse in finding a program that is a good fit for both his or her goals and his or her experience. Speaking with a veteran admission advisor can be a great way to start, as he or she can point you towards programs with which other military veterans have had success in the past.

Be Encouraging Rather than Critical

Finally, make sure that you’re encouraging when your spouse goes back to school. This can be a big decision that can add a lot of stress to both of your lives, but your spouse really does need your support during this transition. Don’t be critical of the amount of time he or she spends in class or spends studying – instead, point out how great this decision is for his or her future.

Always look at your spouse going back to school as something you do as a team. Help him or her with research, and then make sure that you’re there to provide help and support in school. This can be a great decision that will change both of your lives, so make sure that you are willing to help where you can.